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I Present the city of New-York:
I) Complète les phrases en utilisant les mots suivants: New-York - yellow cabs-is-
the Atlantic Ocean- Island - Central Park - are - Central Park - museums
- Statue of Liberty
New-York is located in the state of Islar
It is next to the Atlantic Ocean
In New-York, you can have a walk in Central sork, it is a_
You can visit many moreums_for example, the MoMa museum, it is a
wonderful place!
You can visit the famous
it is located on Liberty
New-York is served by buses, taxis (called
2", and the subway, but
there is also an aerial tramway.
There are also very high buildings called skyscapers.
Aider moi merci

Sagot :


Réponse :


New-York is located in the state of NEW YORK.

It is next to the Atlantic Ocean

In New-York, you can have a walk in CENTRAL PARK, it is a place.

You can visit many MUSEUMS for example, the MoMa museum, it is a

wonderful place!

You can visit the famous STATUE OF LIBERTY it is located on Liberty ISLAND

New-York is served by buses, taxis (called YELLOW CABS ), and the subway, but there is also an aerial tramway.

There are also very high buildings called skyscapers.

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