Obtenez des solutions complètes à vos questions avec Zoofast.fr. Notre communauté est là pour fournir des réponses détaillées et fiables à toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir.

Conjugue le verbe entre parenthèses et précise
depuis combien de temps l'événement a eu lieu.
Ecris les chiffres en toutes lettres.
e.g. Christopher Columbus arrived in America in 1492
more than five hundred years ago.
1. Europeans (bring) new animals into America in the
17th century, ... .
2. The Canadian Maple flag (appear) in 1965, ....
3. Canada (organize)
the Olympic Games in het
Montreal in 1976, ....
4. The first Canadian
subway line (open) in
Toronto in 1954, ....
5. The first submarines (arrive) in Canada in 1914, ....
6. The first Canadian satellite (go) into space in 1962,​

Sagot :


Réponse :


1. Europeans brought new animals into America in the 17th century,

more than four centuries ago.

2. The Canadian Maple flag appeared in 1965, ....

more than fifty years ago.

3. Canada organized the Olympic Games in hetMontreal in 1976, ....

more than forty years ago.

4. The first Canadiansubway line opened inToronto in 1954, ....

more than sixty years ago.

5. The first submarines arrived  in Canada in 1914, ....

more than a hundred years ago.

6. The first Canadian satellite went into space in 1962,​

more than fifty years ago / more than half a century ago.

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