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This work, dated 1994, represents three characters who hold hands.
The artist’s immorality lies in the choice of these characters: the one on the left is Mickey Mouse, the one on the right is the clown Ronald Mac Donald, and both frame a naked girl. Its central position was, the technique of the stencil in black and white and its nudity, this little girl is the central point of the scene. BANKSY targets the general public in the choice of two mascots: the Mickey of Walt Disney and known on small screen in all the homes where the majority of the population knows and the clown of the restaurants Mac Donald seduces the middle social classes. On the other hand, the choice of the girl is more pointed. Only a targeted look will immediately recognize the photograph of the Vietnam War that BANKSY cut and pasted between the two mascots using the stencil technique.
The work gives an anti-capitalism and anti-war message that emerges from this work halfway between graffiti and digital inlay.

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