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J'aurais besoin d'aide pour un exercice d'anglais svp​

BonjourJaurais Besoin Daide Pour Un Exercice Danglais Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

- Hi Fin, where are you ? What are you doing ?

- Hi Sue! I am with Jason right now. And you know what ? We are climbing Rocky Mount!

- Are you kidding? You two never practise! You do not know the risks you are running!

- Oh come on! Do you want to talk to Jason?... Oh he says he do not want to talk... but wait I put you on speakerphone.

- Ok, I do not think it is a good idea to do what you are doing!

People who climb mountains always train for months before they actually do it.

- Oh you are a dream killer, Sue! I do not listen to you!

-Hi Finn, where are you? What are you doing
-Hi Sue! I am with with Jason right now. And you know what? We climbing Rocky Mount!
-Are you kidding me? You two never practice! You don’t the risks you are running!
-Oh come on! Do you want to talk to Jason?... Oh, he said he doesn’t want to talk... but wait I will put you on speakerphone.
-Ok, I don’t think it will be a good idea to do what you are doing!
People who climb mountain always train for months before they actually do it.
-Oh you are a dream killer, Sue! I don’t listen to you!
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