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Bonjour je dois rédiger un paragraphe en anglais qui parle d'un jour ou j'ai échouer et comment je m'en suis relever . Il doit y avoir impérativement 0 fautes et j'aimerais avoir de l'aide pour me corriger stp ...

A few years ago. I were participating for a riding show with my pony. It was a really important competition and I was really anxious. I were preparing for a long month for this show. I had bought my pont shortly before si I didn’t know it well. During my turn, I did many mistakes and i felt down. My coach was really disappointed of me and some older girls laughed at me. This day, I tell my mother that I wanted to sold my pony back and stop riding.My mom made me keep going. The next Sunday there was a new competition so, every day, after school my mother drove me to my pony and forced me to practice. At the competition, I was anxious again but not for the competition, I was nervous because my mom believed in me and I didn’t want to disappoint her after all the times she gaves me. I won this show and I was so proud of myself and I was so grateful to my mother. Thanks to her, I never stopped riding and I never sold my pony .

This experience learnt me that the work pay every timer and to never gives up.

Sagot :

correction of the mistakes:

-I was practicing

-I was preparing

-efface le "I had bought[...] well" ça n'a pas de sens

- I told my mother

- I wanted to sell my black pony

- My mom believed in me and I didn't want to disappoint her ( efface la suite " after all the times she gaves") ca n'a pas de sens aussi

- everytime

- give up

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