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bonjour pouvez vous m aidez pour cette exo que je ne comprend pas

BE+V-ing (in the past)

1. He................................(do) his homework when his mother came in.
2. They..............................(listen) do music when i opened the door.
3. Jane and Polly .............................(watch) TV yesterday at 9 pm.
4. She......................................(play) with her brother when it starded to rain.
5. on monday at 10am i..........................................(swim) in the swimming pool.

Sagot :


exemple pour le premier

1.He WAS DOING his homewrok when his mother came in.


Je te laisse faire les autres

"Be" est le verbe "être"

conjugué au passé ca donne

I, he, she, it : was

You, we, they : were

Pour "ing" tu prend le verbe entre parenthèse et tu rajoute "ing".

Bonne soirée et bon courage :)

1. He is doing his homework when his mother come in.
2. They are listening to music when I opening the door.
3. Jane and Polly are watching TV at 9 pm.
4. She is playing with her brother when it starting to rain.
5. On monday i am swimming in the pool
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