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je dois faire une histoire d'une dizaine de lignes en anglais sur une histoire qui fait peur je donne tous mes point a la personne qui me répondras le mieux

Sagot :

Narrator: A woman whose husband had died went to the funeral parlor to see her husband in his casket before the service.
Undertaker: He’s right in here.
Widow: (Looking at her husband.) You did a really good job. He looks just the way he did when he was alive, except for one thing.
Undertaker: What’s that?
Widow: Well, he really preferred to wear black suits, and you have him dressed in a blue one.
Undertaker: That’s not a problem. We can change it.
Widow: Are you sure? I mean it seems like a lot of trouble.
Undertaker: No trouble at all.
Narrator: She returned an hour later and her husband was wearing a black suit.