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Bonjours , pouvez vous m’aider pour c’est 3 exercice merci et bonne année

Bonjours Pouvez Vous Maider Pour Cest 3 Exercice Merci Et Bonne Année class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1  Reduce the following relative clauses

a. The tourist swimming in the lake is Russian.

b. The train arriving at platform 3 is the 3.15 to Wellington.

c. The pictures of Akaroa displayed on that website are amazing.

2. Match the basic adjectives with their more extreme equivalent  

Good => fantastic

Surprising => stunning

Pretty => gorgeous

Small => tiny

3. Complete the sentences with the right words.  In these words, circle the adjectives

a. New Zealand is a country where there are no deadly insects or harmful animals.

b. The hotel we stayed at in Hastings was amazingly cheap.

c.  We were fascinated by the sperm whales gently moving through the deep blue sea.

d. The weather was fair but rather chilly when we arrived in Dunedin

Explications :

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