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Put the verbs into brackets in the correct tense.
1. If he ______________________________ (work) more seriously, he would succeed.
2. He ______________________________ (buy) a scooter if he has enough money.
3. Jeremy ______________________________ (come) if we invite him to dinner.
4. If I ______________________________ (have) the job, it would be great.
5. If it gets warmer, I ______________________________ (go) swimming.
6. We ______________________________ (learn) the guitar next year if we have enough time.
7. If it was warmer, I ______________________________ (go) swimming.
8. If we ______________________________ (tell) them the truth, they will forgive us.
9. I ______________________________ (not go) shopping if it rains.
10. If she went to New York, she ______________________________ (visit) the Statue of Liberty.

Sagot :


Bonjour et BONNE ANNÉE

Pour cet exercice, tu dois apprendre la concordance des temps avec IF

subordonnée           principale

if + présent               ►  futur  (will + BV)

if + prétérit               ► conditionnel présent (would  + BV)

if + pluperfect           ► conditionnel passé   (would have + p. passé BV)

1- If he worked more seriously, he would succeed

2- He will buy a scooter if he has enough money.

3- Jeremy will come if we invite him for dinner.

4- If I had the job, it would be great.

5- If it gets warmer, I will go swimming.

6- We will learn the guitar next year, if we have enough time.

7- If it was warmer, I would go swimming.

8- If we tell them the truth, they will forgive us.

9- I will not (won't)  go shopping if it rains.

10- If she went to New York, she would visit the Statue of Liberty.

Bonne soirée ☺☺☺

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