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J'ai un devoir en anglais a rendre pour Jeudi.Il faut remplire les trou manquant.
Could you tell me a way to the catle, ___________?
Yes,of course,dear.You go________ until you get the _________ and turn first right then ______ the Queen Street and keep straight on ________ the post office.Don't go right there!It'sa ___________, Weest Street, turn _________,then ask again.
Les mot a complter son Immediately/Dead en/roudabout/down/please/straight on/take/past.

Merci d'avance. :)

Sagot :

Could you tell me a way to the catle,please?
Yes,of course,dear.You go straight on until you get the roudabout and turn first right then down the Queen Street and keep straight on past the post office.Don't go right there!It's a dead end, Weest Street, turn immediately,then ask again.
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