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A Demande à ta / ton camarade ce qu’elle / il a fait lors de ses dernières vacances : – Destination ? – Moyen de transport ? – Avec qui ? – Temps ?– Activités ? – Opinion ? • 

.B Réponds à ton camarade, puis interroge-le sur ses vacances futures : – Destination ? – Moyen de transport ? – Avec qui ? – Temps espéré ?– Activités ? – Opinion ?

Sagot :

A. Where did you go on holiday last summer ?
I went to the United States with my parents. We took a direct flight from Paris to Los Angeles but our trip lasted 12 hours. We have been visiting the west coast for 15 days although 2 weeks were a  too short time to see everything. My favourite spot was Disneyland, but my parents preferred San Francisco by far. We had a pretty sunny weather and yes, I would like to go back !
B. And you, what do you plan to do on the next vacation ?
Well, my parents and I would like to visit Cuba next Christmas, as we didn’t go on holiday last year. It’s going to be a 13 hours flight but we think it is worthed. We expect the weather  to be hot and sunny . My parents already made a reservation in a hotel on the sea resort. We hope to swim with dolphins and make scuba diving and snorkeling.
demande à ta camarade. ce qu'elle a fait