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Remplacer "can" par les équivalents correspondants "au présent simple", au " simple past" et "au futur"


1.She can come tomorrow

2.Can you tell it to your brother?

3.Jenny can't work this afternoon.

4.At  what time can they come?

5.When can this child do this exercise?


Sagot :

1.She can come tomorrow.


Au présent :       She can come today.

Au passé :          She could come yesterday.

Au futur :             She will be able to come tomorrow.


2.Can you tell it to your brother?


Au présent :       Can you tell it to your brother?

Au passé :          Could you tell it to your brother?

Au futur :             Will you be able to tell it to your brother?


3.Jenny can't work this afternoon.


Au présent :      Jenny can't work this afternoon.

Au passé :         Jenny couldn't work yesterday afternoon.

Au futur :           Jenny will not be able to work tomorrow afternoon.


4.At  what time can they come?


Au présent :      At what time can they come?

Au passé :        At what time could they come?

Au futur :           At what time will they be able to come?


5.When can this child do this exercise?


Au présent :     When can this child do this exercise?

Au passé :        When could this child do this exercise?

Au futur :           When will this child be able to do this exercise?

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