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Potato chips, also known as crisps, are a popular snack food made from potatoes that have
been sliced and deep-fried. The production of potato chips involves several stages, including
washing, slicing, frying, and packaging.. After the potatoes have been sliced, they are cooked
in hot oil until they are crisp and golden brown. The temperature of the oil is critical to the
quality of the finished product. The ideal temperature for frying potato chips is around 180°C
(356°F), and the oil should be free from impurities and well-maintained to ensure that the
chips have a consistent flavor and texture.
1. Assuming that the potatoes fryer has a capacity of 20 liters and we want to fill it to a
depth of 30 cm. calculate the volume of oil needed.
2. What is the weight of potatoes that can be fried in this amount of oil? (5marks)
3. Assuming a heat transfer efficiency of 50%, calculate heat required to cook the

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