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1. Rutherford a-particles scattering experiment resulted in the discovery of:
A. Electron
B. Nucleus
C. Neutron
D. Proton
2. All of the following is the limitations of Dalton's atomic theory EXCEPT:
A. It does not support by experiment but only theoretical view
B. It does not include the existence of the nucleus
C. It does not have any information on subatomic particles
D. It does not explain the existence of ions or isotopes
3. The number of neutrons, protons and electrons, respectively in an ion of 134 56Ba²
A. 54, 56, 78
B. 78, 56, 54
C) 78, 54, 56
D. 56, 56, 134
4. A neutral molecule having the general formula AY; has no unshared pair of electron on A.
B. sp
C. sp²
D. sp³
What is hybridization of A? A. sp³d
5. Carbon forms two stable compounds with oxygen, namely carbon monoxide and carbon
dioxide. For a fixed mass of carbon, the ratio of oxygen in carbon monoxide to oxygen in
carbon dioxide is 1:2. This result is consistent with the law of
A. Conservation of mass
B. Constant composition
C. Definite proportions
D. Multiple proportions

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