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HISTORY GRADE 8 ACTIVITY 1 TOPIC: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION IN BRITAIN AND SOUTH AFRICA FROM 1860 1. Give the definition of the following concepts. 1.1 Industrial Revolution. 1.2 Inventions. (2) (2) 1.3 Pauper apprentice. 2. Use source A below on Stages of Industrial Revolution and your own knowledge to fill the table. (2) SOURCE A Time 1800 1900 2000 Today FIRST INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Use of mechanical production plants using water and steem SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Use of mass production using electrical energy THIRD INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Use of electronics and IT to Butomate production Cyber Systems FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Use of cyber-physical systems. Le, systematic (data) networking of IT & software + mechanical & electronic parts Cyber-Physical Systems Physical Systems Stage of Industrial Century/Year Source Revolution First Second Third Fourth Source: Fostec & Compan​

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