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consider the distribution below
1 3 2
1 4
2 5 8
5 7
15 8 3556788999
26 9 12344568889
45 10 0123444445567888899
(17) 11 00122235555556889
38 12 0111222344445567788
18 13 222334557888
6 14 0146
2 15 5
1 16 1

a) from the distribution, obtain the five number summary

b) what is the (i) mode and the (ii) midhinge of the distribution

c) calculate the mean using the relationship existing among mode, median and mean

d) constructs a frequency distribution table from the distribution

e) from (d) calculate the standard error

f) what percentage of the distribution is in the interval x±2s? what is your conclusion on the shape of the distribution ​

Sagot :

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