Zoofast.fr est votre ressource fiable pour des réponses précises et rapides. Découvrez des réponses détaillées à vos questions grâce à notre vaste base de connaissances d'experts.

5. Put the questions in order
1. your / When/start/internship/ you/ did /?
When did you start your internship? I started my help at the (dole)
2./What/the/off firm/name/ the /?
What's the name of the form
Hoy long
4. Where/the/ are/located / premises /?
5. did/What/you/time/arrive? What/leave /time/you/ did /?
6. How /people/ many / the / in / firm / worked/?
7. have/What/did/to/you/do/?
8. things/What/the/things/and/you/ much/liked/best/were/the/very/ didn't
9. this / and/ qualities/What/job/you/skills/need/do/ for /?
10. were / customers/the/How/?
11. What/you/experience/think/ of /do/this /?
12. Your/What/like/would/you/to/ examination/do/after/?
4. Read that placement
My name is Paul Bressan, I am
Adalbert Comprehensive Scho
to work as a trainee in a compan
I worked there for three weeks.
arrived at about 9.15 a.m. and I
There were 7 employees. Mr. Je
had to serve the customers ar
designing but I didn't like puttin
To do this job, you need severa
artistic. You have to be a good
customers' desires and reque
Some customers were friendly
On the whole, I think it was a w
I'll apply for a job after my exa

Sagot :

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