Zoofast.fr: votre destination pour des réponses précises et fiables. Posez vos questions et obtenez des réponses détaillées et fiables de la part de notre communauté d'experts bien informés.

1. An advertising company wishes to plan its advertising strategy in three different media - television, adio and magazines. The purpose of advertising is to reach as large a number of potential customers possible. Following data has been obtained from market survey: Television Magazine 1 Magazine II Cost of an advertising per unit No. of potential customer: reached per No. of female customers reached per Br30,000 200,000 150,000 Radio B:20,000 600,000 400,000 Br15,000 150,000 70,000 Br10,000 100,000 50,000 The company wants to spend no more than br450, 000 on advertising. Following are the further requirements that must be met: (1) at least 1 million exposures take place among female customers (ii) advertising on magazines be limited to br150,000 (iii) at least 3 advertising units be bought on magazine I and 2 units on magazine II and (iv) the number of advertising units on television and radio should each be between 5 and 10 Formulate an LPM for the problem​

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