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A- Turn these sentences into the passive voice. 1. Somebody stole my bag in the shop. 2. People watch soap operas nowadays 3. The new waiter is going to serve us. 4. The police will arrest the thieves 5. Nobody had told us about Jim's plan before. 6 A stranger was following her last night. 7. Mark gave Peter a gift last week. 8. They often tell my sister lies. 9. The waiter is going to bring Jalil some pancakes. 10. Has a dog ever bitten you? B- Turn these sentences into the passive voice. 1. The will have cut down the tree tomorrow. 2. They didn't ask me about my experience at the interview. 3. I will pay the plumber € 10. 4. People think that unemployment will rise. 5. She's going to send me her new book. His friends may see him off at the airport. Has anybody seen the new computers yet? My mates are raising money for charity. 6 7. 8. 9. Someone told me terrible secrets. 10. Do many tourists visit Spain every year?​