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Katie has started a blog. This is the first page. following text with the correct tense in each sentence. You have to choose between the past But, there was a glitch and all her verbs disappeared. Help her out by completing the simple and the present perfect. (Katie a commencé un blog, voici la première page. Mais, il y a eu un souci informatique et tous ses verbes ont disparu. Aide-la en complétant son texte en choisissant le bon temps verbal dans chacune de ses phrases. Tu dois choisir entre le prétérit et le present perfect.)

Hi everybody! Welcome to my blog !

Here's the latest news. My mum . It all ....... ....(have) a new PC since last week. ......(crash). She ....... (be) in a panic, because she's not very good with computers and she's afraid of hackers, viruses and stuff like that. Ethan and I ......... (can not fix) the problem. So, my Mum the PC clinic to buy a new computer. Meanwhile, Ethan and I finally (manage to fix) the old PC. When, Mum ....(be) very happy and ....... ...... (start) when her old PC...... COMPRÉHENSION ORALE .......(go) to .(come) back home, she ..([decide) to give us her old PC.​

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