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J’ai un devoir très important à rendre pour demain mais je ne comprend pas trop et j’aurais besoin d’aide.
Merci d’avance.

✓ Exercice1:Mettezlesphrasessuivantesàlaformepassive:
a. They have cancelled all the trains because of a power cut.
 b. People don't use the staff room very often.

c. They must have sent the letter to the wrong address.

d. They are recording our conversation!

e. They think that this dog is dangerous.
✓ Exercice2:Mettreunverbeàlaformesimpledupassif:a.Mycar______________yesterday(to steal) / b. The car ______________ two days ago (to repair) / c. Our house ______________ last week (to sell) / d. These buildings ______________ in the 19th century (to build) / e. Our computer ______________ two years ago (to buy) / f. The vase ______________ by Paul (to break). / g. This book ______________ by Shakespeare (to write) / h. James ______________ well for the job he did last month (to pay) / i. My clothes ______________ by my mother (to make)
✓ Exercice3:Mettreunverbeàlaformeprogressivedupassif:Ex:Mysister(wasbeingattacked)by a dog when James arrived and rescued her (to attack) 

a. I can’t drive you home, my car ______________ (to repair) / b. This movie ______________ by millions of people right now (to watch) / c. Help me! My car is ______________ (to steal) / d. My computer ______________ by my best friend, I should be able to use it by the end of the day. (to fix)
✓ Exercice4:Mettreunverbeàlaformepassiveaprèsunmodal:a.Thisstory _____________________ in many different ways (can, tell) / b. / Money _____________________ at the bank office (can, borrow) / c. Happiness _____________________ (must, share) / d. This _____________________ to Lucy (must, give) / e. This cake _____________________ by Martha (must have, make). / f. Dinner _____________________ right now, if you’re hungry (can, serve) / g. James _____________________ to the hospital (must, drive) / h. English _____________________ with many different accents (can, speak)
✓ Exercice5:Mettreunverbeàparticuleàlaformepassive:a.Thoseshoes _____________________ by my sister over the past few years (to wear out) / b. Our dog _____________________ by our neighbor yesterday (to bring back) / c. The volume _____________________ by James (to turn up) / d. The letters I wrote to James _____________________ to me (to send back) / e. The TV _____________________ by someone several hours ago (to turn on)
✓ Exercice6:Traduction:Passif:a.OnavuLisaentraindeparleràTom/b.OnademandéàJames

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