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1. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct present perfect form: 1. My father 2. ............... the teacher ... ‒‒‒‒ (leave) for work. (give) you good marks? 3. The children .... exercises today. 4. The cat ..... 5. The postman this morning. 6. Andy ...... I before going to school 7. ............... the doctor ........ take some pills? (advise) 8. I ....... (not/do) the (catch) a mouse. (not/ come) (make) his bed ... you to ..... (iron) the clothes and Paula (wash up), but we (not/prepare) dinner yet. ….. (lend) you the 9. Who I money? 10. A German businessman .... (buy) the Blacks' flat, but he (not/ move) in yet. ‒‒‒‒​

Sagot :

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