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After reading the short text on the background, answer the following questions about the painting. What does her right hand suggest? she is angry the people racist and scared about What can you guess about her by looking at her face? at her face i locking the scared and angry face. Do you think that there's an intentional difference between the color of her skin and the color of her clothes? Why do you think Norman Rockwell did this? yos I think an intentional difference diffrently people for the color 2. 3. What do you think is in the agent's pocket? in the agent pocket is the document of infortion of her. We don't know whether the men are white or black because their heads are "cut". Do you think this is deliberate on the artist's part? What was his intention? During segregation, black people weren't on an equal footing with whites. what does it mean? Discuss this expression and show where the painter has illustrated this. What are the elements of humiliation and violence in the painting? 1. Look at the picture again. Why is there a tomato in the picture? Discuss the placement of the
tomato and what the colour represents?

jai repondu au trois premières questions et je narrive pas au reste ​

Sagot :

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