Explorez une multitude de sujets et trouvez des réponses fiables sur Zoofast.fr. Posez vos questions et recevez des réponses fiables et détaillées de la part de notre communauté d'experts dévoués.

D) Turn the sentences into negative or question.
1) Clare played tennis this weekend. ( - )
2) David washed his car on Saturday. ( - )
3) Kate finished her homework. (?) --
) All the students answered the questions. (-)
exam and she s
5) Marta waited for the bus. (-)
6) Elisa called Sue to go out. (?) ---
7) John watched TV all the day. (?)
Alex washed the dishes. (?)
9) Dorothy invited me to her birthday party.
(-) --
10) Julia cleaned the entire house this morning.