
Trouvez des réponses à vos questions avec l'aide de la communauté Rejoignez notre plateforme de questions-réponses pour recevoir des réponses rapides et précises de la part de professionnels expérimentés dans divers domaines.

Posez des questions selon le modèle proposé.
Exemple: I am interested in history.
→ What are you interested in?
a. Mary's looking for a job.
c. Moira will pay for the cinema.
e. I'm thinking of you.
g. We're interested in music.
b. Andrew was playing with his-toys.
d. Johnny's waiting for Sylvia.
He gave £10 to a beggar.
It. She danced with her husband.
Right or wrong? En cas de question inexacte,
indiquez la bonne formulation. U
a. Who came yesterday?
c. Who did speak to you?
e. Whose hat it is?
g How much did it cost?
b. Who did you talk to?
d. What were they looking for?
f. How interesting it is!
h. How long it took?

Sagot :