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Lis attentivement le texte suivant pas rends aux questions et pays
The only barrier's a screen
Rok Vo and her fried Kristin text constantly, live near each other and We the same bando, as
friends tend to do Por onlike most friends, they've only met twice. The girls dot often ses each
her be the extremely done.
A recent report found 72 percent of teenagers say they spend time with friends on social medias
There's hoy bareby any difference between my gaming friends and RE In Real Life) friend
and DeVante Ellis Brown, a 17-year student. We talk about the type of things. The only
real difference is dealt see their face
Online relationships tray be more accouble than real-life ones because making, contact with
is intant. More than half of the surveyed teenagers said they used text messages to spend
time with friends every day, compared to 25 percent who said they did so in persoal.
1 Whats the top of the documen
2. Who are toban Vo and ope? Be predice répondre au deux questions en anglais

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