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b. Learn more about how to co
A big name
Intense social
Deeply felt characters
A cliffhanger
A familiar context
with a twist
Characters you care for and who become
your friends or part of your family.
Characters you gradually identify with
A dramatic or riveting ending that creates
huge suspense you cannot resist. It's what
makes you click on "Watch next episode
Viewers feel compelled to comment on
the plot and its twists on social media
An ingredient that is essential
to make the show addictive!
Viewers need both a familiar context
(eg: superheroes) but also some intriguing
and unexpected new elements to make
it catchy (eg: superheroes with
an ambiguous personality).
A name for the series that is catchy.
with, most of the time, movie stars
for the main characters.
It means constantly playing with
the viewer's expectations, using classic
narratives and storylines and suddenly
breaking them bad.
The science behind
Binge-watching is an easy, feel-good fix
For many viewers, binge-watching gives us
from the day-to-day grind. Entertainment
offered a way to escape from the pressures
s and binge-watching is no exception. (-)
"TV viewers are no longer zoning out as a
about their day, they are tuning in, on the
dule, to a different world. Getting imme
ple episodes or even multiple seasons off
10 few weeks is a new kind of escapism th
welcomed today", cultural anthro
McGracken says. [-]
The line between enjoyment and
Binge-watching can be a great way to
as but it can easily become a problem
prioritize it over other important act
Like gambling and other behavion
watching activates the part of our
O Read the first part, cone
Can you explain the word
Your notes:

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