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1. Water ---------------- at 100 C.

A. boil B. boils C. is boiling D. has boiled

2. Diane ------------- her hair every other day or so.

A. wash B. washes C. is washing D. washed

3. We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we -------------- it.

A. sell B. sold C. are selling D. were selling

4. Beth: I ------- you outside the hotel in half an hour, OK? Ann: Yes, that's fine. A. meet

B. met C. 'll meet D. have met

5. Diane can't come to the phone because she ------------- her hair.

A. wash B. washes C. is washing D. washed

6. I --------------- dinner with some friends at 8 o'clock yesterday evening.

A. have B. had C. was having D. have had

7. At 10 o'clock tomorrow, Sally will be in her office. She -------------.

A. is working B. was working C. will be working D. will work

8. The report is due next week but I --------------- yet.

A. will finish B. didn't finish C. haven't fished D. don't finish

9. The boys -------------- their homework before they went to the cinema.

A. do B. will do C. had done D. are doing

10. By the time the guests arrive, I ------------- the kitchen.

A. will clean B. will have cleaned C. cleaned D. have cleaned

11. John is in the library now. He ------------- for three hours.

A. reads B. is reading C. has been reading D. has read

12. The children -------- in the garden for two hours before it started to rain. A. are

playing B. have played

C. will have been playing D. had been playing

13. John --------- for the company for thirty years by the time he retires next month. A.

has worked B. had worked

C. will have been working D. will work

14. Does Pedro --------------- to work every morning?

A. walk B. walks C. walked D. will walk

15. What you are talking about? I --------------- you.

A. not understand B. don't understand

C. am not understanding D. not understanding

16. Did you --------------- your work?

A. finish B. finished C. have finished D. had finished

17. My friend --------------- her apartment.

A. don't like B. doesn't like C. isn't liking D. isn't being liked​

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