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Conjuguez le verbe entre parenthèses
prétérit ou au prétérit be + ing.
a. As he (work) from home all day, he (not/ to see)
anyone else.
b.1 (think) about working from home, but my boss
(not/ to let) me.
c. When they (be) younger, they (work) u very
late at night.
d. She (work) for this company when it (go) barupt.
e. My colleague (go) to resign, but changing her
work rhythm (help) her a lot.

Entraînezvous Conjuguez Le Verbe Entre Parenthèses Prétérit Ou Au Prétérit Be Ing A As He Work From Home All Day He Not To See Anyone Else B1 Think About Workin class=