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On October the 31st Americans, Scots and Irish people celebrate Halloween: they dress up as
witches and ghosts, have parties, tell ghost stories and play games. People decorate their houses
for Halloween and they prepare food like pumpkin pies and toffee apples.
Halloween is the second-biggest celebration in America after Christmas. Every year Americans
spend more than $2.5 billion on sweets, cards and decorations. More than 66% of houses are
decorated. Many people make Jack-o'Lanterns for Halloween. They go to special farms to buy
pumpkins to make Jack O'Lanterns they cut faces in pumpkins and put candles inside. 80% of
American pumpkins are sold for Halloween. They also send Halloween cards to friends and family..
Don't think that Halloween is just for kids! More than thirty per cent of adults wear costumes for
Halloween. They go to Halloween balls or parties where a jury gives prizes for the best costumes.
In New York, Greenwich Village Halloween parade is the largest and most festive Halloween party
in the world.
Halloween may not be a national holiday in the USA, but it is certainly a national celebration!
It's not originally an American tradition - Irish immigrants brought it to the USA!

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