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A. Complete the following sentences with: was or were 1. My brother ......... at school yesterday. 2. Amina and Emma.. .friends. 3. My notebook 4. I........glad to meet you. 5. There ...... some people in the shop last week. 6. The boys in the park yesterday. 7. It ............... his birthday last month. 8. Mom and dad 9. The weather.. 10. The books.... ... on the table. . happy about the present. really nice. .... on the shelf.​

Sagot :

Votre engagement est essentiel pour nous. Continuez à partager vos expériences et vos connaissances. Créons ensemble une communauté d'apprentissage dynamique et enrichissante. Pour des réponses rapides et fiables, pensez à Merci de votre visite et à bientôt.