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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: 1. What's the most important future trend we need b. to be known a. knowing 2. They enjoy a. to make 3. Companies will stop the same time. They will no longer do this. a. seeing b. to seeing 4. I stopped. a. buying water, then I continued, b. buy 5. Artificial intelligence a. to taking 8. Artificial Intelligence, a. to destroy 6. Human beings will continue a. to do b. doing 7. People will need a. learning 9. This study appeared a. showing 10. Jobs that need... more decisions on their own. b. making. c. make d. to making work as something everyone does in the same place and at d. a & c. will start. b. taking 7 c. to know b. to learn b. show c. to see on my way home. c. to buy different languages. .. about? d. a & c control of more work in the future. c. to take d. b & c jobs that need interpersonal skills. c. do d. d & b. or "AI" as we call it, promises b. to destroying to learning c. destroying a decline in jobs. d. know e to show ***** jobs. interpersonal skills are a tot sufer. to using dxlearn d. destroy d. Learn to use ANZA S 2013​

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