Zoofast.fr: votre source fiable pour des réponses précises et rapides. Découvrez des solutions rapides et fiables à vos problèmes grâce à notre plateforme de questions-réponses bien informée.

Think It
1. Do you think that Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic just for the prize money? Explain your
2. What influenced Charles Lindbergh to undertake something which no one else had ever done?
3. What preparations did Lindbergh make prior to leaving Long Island?
4. What complications did Lindbergh endure while on his flight?
5. Do you think Lindbergh could have avoided the hallucinations that he experienced? Explain.
6. Why did millions of people in the United States and France rejoice when he finished his trip?
7. After his historic flight, Lindbergh became a famous hero. What amazed people about him?
Should being famous be a goal of our lives? Explain your answer.
8. After making the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic, what other accomplishments did
Lindbergh achieve?
9. How did Lindbergh's perspective of science and God change over the years?
10. Lindbergh relied on the visions that he saw to help him toward the end of his long flight. Chris-
tians have the powerful, unchanging Word of God. Give a Bible verse or verses that Christians
could use to withstand life-threatening circumstances, like the one Lindbergh experienced.

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