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Bonjour ma fille a un dm en maths mais en anglais mais on besoin d’aide voilà le sujet:
Let's explain a classical "mind reading" trick,
1. Follow the magician's instructions.
Choose a number between 1 and 99.
Multiply that number by two.
Add eight to your new number.
Multiply that number by 0,5.-
Subtract your original number.
Think of the letter in the alphabet that's
corresponds with the number you have
obtained. For instance, 1 corresponds with A, 2
corresponds with B, and so on...
Select a European country that starts with this
Move forward within the alphabet one letter and
think about a circus animal that starts with this
Think of the animal's color.
Think about that country, animal, and its color.....
Something must be wrong... There are no grey
elephants in Denmark !
2. To find the trick, take x as a number and simplify
the final expression.

Bonjour Ma Fille A Un Dm En Maths Mais En Anglais Mais On Besoin Daide Voilà Le Sujet Lets Explain A Classical Mind Reading Trick 1 Follow The Magicians Instruc class=

Sagot :

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