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Exercise 10

1. In a DIY store the height of a door is given as 195 cm to the nearest cm. Write down the upper bound for the height of the door.

2. A vet weighs a sick goat at 37 kg to the nearest kg. What is the least possible weight of the goat?

3. A cook's weighing scales weigh to the nearest 0-1 kg. What is the upper bound for the weight of a chicken which she weighs at 3-2 kg?

4. A surveyor using a laser beam device can measure distances to the nearest 0-1 m. What is the least possible length of a warehouse which he measures at 95.6 m?

5. In the county sports Jill was timed at 28-6s for the 200 m. What is the upper bound for the time she could have taken

6. Copy and complete the table. ​

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