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les phrases en utilisant le bon verbe → conjugue le verbe au prétérit simple à la forme qui convient (= verbe irrégulier) "fall - "give -kill-live-*spend -last-try-rescue - be* Mission 1 : > compléte 1. The Germans Somme 2 The soldiers conditions. ezers 3. The British troops....... success. 4. The battle 5. The medical officers Thousands of shells At 7.28 am the general. ***CERKERS *********** *** many months in the trenches. They ***************** EXERCICES ************* more than 50000 British soldiers during the Battle of the to attack the German lines but it four months. ********* in temble hundreds of wounded soldiers in the no man's land. over the battlefield. the order to attack the German first line.​

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