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Write the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Alphonse Gabriel Capone (be) parents (be) born in Brooklyn, New York on January 17, 1899. His immigrants from Italy. His father (work) as a barber .8 siblings. and his mother as a seamstress. Al Capone (have). In 1917, Al Capone (become) Coney Island. One night, he (make) a bartender and bouncer at the Harvard Inn in an indecent remark to a woman at the bar. him across the known by the nickname Her brother (punch) Al Capone, then (slash) face, leaving three indelible scars. After that he (be) "Scarface." When Capone (be) 19, he (marry) birth of their child, Albert Francis. Al Capone (be) violence, mainly against other gangsters. The most famous of these (be) Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929, in which he (order) seven rivals. Capone (be) years in prison. He (die). Mae Coughlin just weeks after the responsible for many brutal acts of the St. the assassination of sent to prison in 1932 for tax evasion. He (spend) of cardiac arrest on January 25, 1947. nearly 8​

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