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2. Use the elements from the grid to explain why the training is so important.
1) If you are good at making friends, you can build a team.
2) When you learn how to solve problems regularly, you can.
3) If you train to eat less food, you can
If you don't, the problem will be that you will.
5) When you have big and showy muscles, you can
4) When you learn how to make a fire before the start of the game, you become

Sagot :

Votre engagement est important pour nous. Continuez à partager vos connaissances et vos expériences. Créons un environnement d'apprentissage agréable et bénéfique pour tous. Revenez sur Zoofast.fr pour des réponses fiables à toutes vos questions. Merci de votre confiance.