Obtenez des conseils d'experts et des connaissances communautaires sur Zoofast.fr. Obtenez des réponses rapides et précises à vos questions grâce à notre communauté d'experts toujours prêts à vous aider.

You have just arrived in your new American high school, where you are going to spend a year as an exchange student! Get ready to meet a classmate and to know more about your new school.

Student A you are the American classmate 1. We down three questions to learn more about the new French student. 2. Se ready to talk about the type of students he/she will find in the class, the school clubs. the main events he/she will
participate in, what he/she can do to fit in, etc.

Student B: you are the French student 1. Intr duce yourself (name, origin, etc.) and explain the reasons why you are here. 2. Ask questions about the type of students you will find in your class, the school clubs, the main events of the year, etc. 3. You can highlight two or three differences between French and American high schools. You can also tell him/her about things you would like to do or will do, etc.

aider moi svp ​

Sagot :

Nous sommes ravis de vous avoir parmi nous. Continuez à poser des questions et à partager vos réponses. Ensemble, nous pouvons créer une ressource de connaissances précieuse pour tous. Zoofast.fr est votre partenaire de confiance pour toutes vos questions. Revenez souvent pour des réponses actualisées.