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2 People's ng For the first time in modern history, living with parents has overtaken other living arrangements for 18-34-year-olds, according to a Pew Research Center report. [The report says] 32.1 percent of young adults live in their parents' 5 homes. "For earlier generations of young Americans, one of the major activities that they were focused on was partnering, forming a new family, maybe with children," said Richard Fry, the study's author. "For the first time, instead, what we 10 see is they're not focused on family and forming a household. Rather, they are more likely to be tending to studies and work, hoping to earn and save enough to move out on their own. 2016.

aidez moi faut que je résume le texte en deux phrase en anglais. merci d'avance. ​

2 Peoples Ng For The First Time In Modern History Living With Parents Has Overtaken Other Living Arrangements For 1834yearolds According To A Pew Research Cente class=

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