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paragraph global warming cause effect solution.
svp .

Sagot :

Voilà un travail où j’avais eu 14,5/20 où il y a les causes et effets, je n’avais pas à mettre les solutions dedans mais ça te fais déjà ça !

In my opinion, I do feel concerned about climate change for many reasons.

On the one hand, climate change is important because the Earth isn’t immortal, for example, there are many wildfires which prove temperatures level up.

On the other hand, climate change is important because the water isn’t unlimited, for example, there are many dry rivers.

Moreover, we are lot in the Earth which pollute a lot, for example, there are many slums.

Then, the electricity pollutes enormously and we use a lot of it, for example, we have televisions, telephones, computers, radio, tablets…and all their data is stored in power plants that pollute a lot.

In conclusion, we must change our daily habits because otherwise the Earth will not survive, therefor, neither we will.

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